Standing Together for a Better World


Welcome to Zeroplastic Movement (ZPM), a global network of thousands of students, neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers united by a common vision. We believe in a world where people come together to take action and combat the challenges posed by climate change and the global plastic problem.

At ZPM, we recognize that real change begins at the grassroots level, within our communities, and even within ourselves. As a global movement, our mission is to inspire and empower individuals from all walks of life to be part of the solution. We envision a future where every person plays a role in creating a sustainable and plastic-free environment.

To achieve this ambitious goal, we have established ZPM as a club network. Each ZPM club operates as an independent society, addressing climate action activities and matters related to plastic in their local communities and institutions. By providing a platform for individuals and students to form clubs following our global movement guidelines, we enable them to act as standalone entities with the support of a larger interconnected network.

Through the collective efforts of our ZPM clubs worldwide, we strive to raise awareness, educate, and implement practical solutions to combat plastic pollution and its impact on the environment. Together, we work towards fostering a global community dedicated to preserving our planet for future generations.

Join us at Zeroplastic Movement, and let's take action, inspire change, and build a more sustainable world, one club at a time. Together, we can make a significant difference for our planet and future generations.


Become a Volunteers

We wholeheartedly invite volunteers from all around the world to join us in our mission to protect the environment from plastic pollution. The Zero Plastic Global Movement extends a warm welcome to individuals, activists, and organizers who share our vision of a world free from plastic pollution. We aim to establish Zeroplastic clubs in various institutions, schools, and universities.
If you happen to be near any of our Zeroplastic clubs, we will connect you with the most suitable club based on your location. In case we do not currently have a club relevant to your area and expertise, we will onboard you for our international club, comprising numerous volunteers from different countries. Together, we work as one team, executing plastic pollution reduction activities across the globe.
Register now and become an integral part of the solution. Let's create a cleaner and greener world together!


Global Network of Affiliate Members

The ZeroPlastic Global Movement acknowledges startups, small, medium, and large organizations and businesses worldwide as leaders actively contributing to the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals. Especially organizations focused on addressing any aspects related to plastic pollution are warmly invited to join as a member organization under this global movement.
There are various benefits for all member organizations, and the membership is entirely free for entities across the globe. If you believe that your organization aligns with the aforementioned aspects, kindly submit the form provided here.

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Our Affiliates

Welcome to the ZeroPlastic Movement, where we foster global connections through our widespread network of affiliates and partners. Delve into our vast array of affiliate members or, even better, join us and become an integral part of our mission!


The ZeroPlastic Global Movement has laid down comprehensive guidelines, policies, and processes, actively encouraging environmentally-focused organizations to embrace and implement these principles.


Education and awareness stand as the most potent catalysts for change. With this belief, we wholeheartedly share presentation materials, publications, and various educational resources with the world, all crafted and presented by our member organizations across the globe.


ZeroPlastic Certifications aim to recognize institutions and organizations that have actively followed and implemented ZeroPlastic standards and guidelines. The Zeroplastic certification is available in 130 countries, and Control Union will be the sole auditing and investigating partner for ZeroPlastic certification worldwide.



Who We Are


Leading the world towards a plastic free environment through volunteerism, advocacy, policy and practise.


1. Establish clubs & movements on grassroots level, as national bodies and international organizations.
2. Guide the volunteer force on policy development, advocacy and lobbying on each subject matter pertaining to solving the global plastic problem.
3. Execute research for informed decision making.
4. Work along the United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals for a better planet in people's attitudes, environment and profits.

Let’s work together

Drop us a message if you’d like to work with us to end plastic waste, explore membership opportunities, media partnerships, or other enquiries.

Contact Us Home page