Get Involved

Becoming a member of the ZeroPlastic Global Movement offers an array of transformative benefits. As a part of a dynamic international network, your organization gains unparalleled access to a collective of like-minded businesses, startups, and institutions all dedicated to curbing plastic pollution and advancing sustainable practices.

Join us in our mission to STOP plastic pollution.


Be part of a global community of thousands of individuals who unite in their shared vision for a plastic pollution-free world that is fair and equitable.


Join the ZeroPlastic Movement and become a vital part of our global network, connecting with like-minded affiliates and partners to advance our mission.


Join 100+ global eco-conscious businesses dedicated to reducing plastic usage in operations, delivering top-notch products and services to their customers.

Why Zeroplastic Movement ?

Global Representation

ZeroPlastic Movement serves as a global front line against plastic pollution. Joining ZPM will elevate your organization's profile and influence locally and internationally.

Recognition and Visibility

Gain recognition as a responsible and proactive organization in the battle against plastic pollution, possibly resulting in positive PR and heightened brand visibility.

Access to Resources

Access to a repository of resources, research, and best practices related to plastic pollution reduction, sustainable materials, and responsible waste management.

Collaboration Opportunities

Opportunities for collaboration with other members on joint initiatives, research projects, and innovative solutions to plastic pollution challenges.

Showcasing Achievements:

Platform to showcase the organization’s achievements, innovations, and success stories in plastic pollution reduction on the movement’s website and communications.

Support in Advocacy

Support and guidance in advocating for policy changes and regulations that align with the movement’s goals at local, regional, and global levels.

Positive Impact

Contributing to a meaningful cause by actively participating in efforts that have a direct and positive impact on the environment and society.

Promotion Opportunities

Gain exposure through promoting ZeroPlastic Certification and the ZeroPlastic Club network, positioning your organization as a leader in plastic pollution reduction.