
Earth Day

“Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.” – Dolores Huerta

As individuals, we have the simple yet effective power to make our voices heard through our choices, our civic actions, and our personal interactions. Today is the Earth Day. Today’s the day to TAKE ACTION not just because you care about the natural world, but because we all live on it.

For all of us – today and for our future – let’s INVEST IN OUR PLANET!

The Earth Day 2022
Theme is Invest In Our Planet

For Earth Day 2022, together, for everyone, everything, every day…

More than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and deforestation.

Reducing the usage of plastic is one of the major ways to invest in the planet.

Plastic is overwhelming our current waste management systems and has found its way into virtually every ecosystem on our planet. Of the 380 million of tons of plastic pollution created per year, the second most common source comes from food packaging, with cigarette butts being the most common. As consumers, it is our responsibility to limit plastic where we can and collectively push for reductions in single-use plastics and the waste they produce.

If you didn’t think of your duty which should serve as a human being, today is the best day to think of it. As responsible human beings, we all have a prime duty to think of our planet. Because The Earth is what we all have in common. Let’s do our duty best. You all are kindly invited to do your duty to the planet.

By : Milindu Abeynayake