Today, the adverse effects of plastic, which is man’s creation, have arisen not only against the biosystem itself but also against the man who created the plastic. In other words, it has been found that even human blood contains microplastic particles.
The research was led by a group of scientists in the Netherlands, and microscopic particles of plastic were found in about 80% of the samples taken in the research. It is not surprising that the same ecosystem is full of plastic that people use to get the food and water needed to climb Mount Everest, which is considered a world natural resource and a world heritage.
But it is a matter of concern because man-made plastic has stood up against the man and brought about the end not only of the bio-system but also of us. But it is a matter of concern because man-made plastic has stood up against the man and brought about the end not only of the bio-system but also of us. Because these microplastics are extremely damaging to the cells in the human body.
According to the latest research, pieces of plastic less than 0.2 inches or 5mm in diameter are identified as microplastics, and from that, different types of plastics are polluting our planet. For example, cosmetics, beauty products, and toothpaste use polyethylene as an ingredient.
Microplastics were detected in the blood samples of seventeen of the blood samples of twenty-two anonymous donors who participated in this research. That is, we cannot correctly say that there is no plastic in our blood either, according to this research. Because healthy adults have participated in this.
Accordingly, the types of polymer microplastics contained in those blood samples are shown below.
• Almost half of the blood samples taken contained PET plastic used in the production of drinking water bottles.
•One-third of the samples taken contained styrene, which is used to pack food and other products.
•One in four samples contained polyethylene, which is used to make plastic carrier bags.
In other words, it has been recognized that millions of plastic particles are ingested by giving milk to babies from plastic milk bottles. As adults, it is important to pay close attention to this matter, and it is our responsibility and duty to provide a plastic-free environment not only for humans but also for animals and the entire ecosystem.
By : Dharani Rathnayake