Plastic is a polymeric material, a material whose molecules are large, often resembling long chains made up of a seemingly endless series of interconnected links. Natural polymers such as rubber and s
Plastic is one of the most talked about topics in the world . Because most people are not fully aware of the dangers of using plastic , people's tendency to recycle plastic is very low . Because of th
Plastic waste is seriously harming our planet’s health. Single-use, broken, lost, and discarded plastic items alike do not decompose in nature, instead polluting our soil and waterways for thousands
Aside from cleaning up our oceans, which is a very significant first step but not a long-term solution, the best way to address plastic pollution is to change our mindsets and habits with this controv
Plastics have overtaken our lands and water bodies. It is no surprise that plastic pollution has become one of the world’s most pressing environmental crises. Our water bodies have plastics floating