
World Environment Day

Under the theme Only One Earth,
World Environment Day 2022 will be observed highlighting the need to live sustainably in harmony with nature through transformative changes in our policies and choices toward cleaner and greener lifestyles.

It is one of the biggest annual events organized by the United Nations (UN) to generate awareness about the significance of nature.
First held in 1974, it has been a platform for raising awareness on environmental issues such as marine pollution, human overpopulation, global warming, sustainable consumption, and wildlife crime. Moreover to also take various preventive measures to be aware and alert to the effects of Global Warming.

The whole idea of World Environment Day is to create a natural and beautiful world free of pollution or any other scarcity of natural resources. One should always be conscious of their activities and strive to keep our surroundings clean and healthy, protect the natural resources and use them in an efficient and careful manner. Banning plastic, recycling, saving water, planting more trees, and saving wildlife and animals are some of the steps which led to a better environment. Planet earth is a beautiful place but we human beings have destroyed it for our selfish needs which have led to pollution, scarcity of water, untidiness, etc…

Organizations all around the world come together on World Environment Day, to take small steps to improve our future. Schools and offices encourage workers and students to plant trees or clean up some local land. These small efforts can leave a big impact on the environment. To improve the environmental conditions, the government and international organizations must come together to fight the problems and save our environment. Introducing stricter laws, preventing the use of plastics, and planting more trees can help to curb pollution and help save the environment. This can help spread awareness and help people lower the gravity of the pollution levels around them.

If we do not take proper steps to save the natural resources, everything will deplete one day and we will be left with nothing like water, pure and fresh air. It is our responsibility to save our mother nature and protect it from pollution and other hazards, which will lead us to a healthy future and as well as a healthy life.

By : Tharuka Karunarathne